
  • conditional execution

  • dynamic loops

3.3 Literals and Enums

  • Be cautious when using literals and enums with shielded types. They can inadvertently leak information if not handled properly.

3.4 Exponentiation and Gas Costs

  • Using shielded integers as exponents in exponentiation operations can leak information through gas usage, as gas cost scales with the exponent value.

3.5 .min() and .max() Functions

  • Calling .min() and .max() on shielded integers can reveal information about their values.

3.6 immutable Variables

  • Shielded immutable variables are only truly confidential if the transaction calldata used during their instantiation is encrypted.

  • Avoid Public Exposure: Never expose shielded variables through public getters or events.

  • Careful with Gas Usage: Be mindful of operations where gas cost can vary based on shielded values (e.g., loops, exponentiation).

  • Encrypt Calldata: Ensure that any calldata used for initializing shielded immutable variables is encrypted.

  • Manual Slot Packing: If slot packing is necessary, use inline assembly carefully to avoid introducing vulnerabilities.

  • Review Compiler Warnings: Pay attention to compiler warnings related to shielded types to prevent accidental leaks.

Last updated